Thursday, May 04, 2006

Addicted to the 'net

For a while, with an old (OLD!) computer, we were not able to really use the internet to its full potential. Now, we have a new computer, and I'm becoming addicted. I started this blog because I was inspired by other blogs that I've visited, but I'm finding out that there's so much on the internet I want to read that I don't have time to post.
So, here are some sites that I can't seem to stop reading:

Relevant magazine

Think Christian

Here's my Bible reading plan on BibleGateway (I've been on day 5 for 5 days now, which just goes to show you how distracted I get).

The problem is that I just keep finding links to great things to read, which leads to other links to more great things to read, and pretty soon my 4-year-old is asking what's for lunch and I realize I'm a horrible mommy. This morning on ThinkChristian, I found a link to a quiz on the biblical references on the tv show Lost. I'm a huge fan of the show, but I'm not smart enough to pick up on all the subtleties. However, I'm not too proud to let other people point them out to me. Here's the quiz.

Check these out. Just remember to feed your kids today.


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